On My iPod

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Dawson's Creek Season 1 Soundtrack

Ok ok ok... stop laughing! I mean it... STOP! This is a really good CD. Yes it has quite a few no-names, but the music is so nice and soothing, and has actually introduced me to artists that I may have never given a chance if it had not been for this CD. Props to Dawson's Creek music people for the carefully selected songs. You can even hear a pre-famous Jessica Simpson. Though, surprisingly, her song is one of my least favorites from the collection. I enjoy: "Feels Like Home" - Chantal Kreviazuk, "Life's A Bitch" - Shooter, "Any Lucky Penny" - Nikki Hassman , and "Crying Ophelia" - Adam Cohen. I advise going and getting this shizz... well worth your $$$.


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